Aims and Objectives of the National Humanity Organization

National Humanity Organization - NHO

Slogan:- Honesty, Unity, Humanity.

(01) The main objective of this organization is the welfare of the society which will be realized through unity and mutual good relations among all the members of our organization.

(02) Decision will be taken on the basis of opinion of all members.

(03) Attendance of everyone in the pre-scheduled meeting is mandatory.

(04) Voluntary participation of everyone is desirable for the development of the organization.

(05) All the members must be clear-minded and agree with the ideals and programs of the organization collectively, so that no hostile environment of the organization is created in the future.

(06) All the members shall bear equally all the responsibilities and risks of the organization including all facilities, advantages and disadvantages, favorable and unfavorable activities.

(07) The members of the organization should perform all the tasks given to them with enthusiasm. 

(08) Providing winter accommodation to the poor. 

(09) Conducting voluntary blood donation and social and educational activities. 

(10) To create confidence in the community to achieve self-reliance.

(11) Helping or encouraging the poor, helpless talented students of the area to continue reading and writing. 

(12) Motivating and organizing the students for the maximum development of their talent and creativity and providing scholarships to meritorious students. 

(13) Distributing Iftar materials and organizing Iftar parties among the needy poor during the month of Ramadan. 

(14) “Eid Festival” distribution of Eid packages among the helpless poor on the eve of Eid. 

(15) To create a sense of social responsibility among everyone in the society and to develop them as conscious citizens in the society.

(16) To empower every member of the social organization to become successful, self-sufficient and voluntary through work. 

(17) Child Welfare: Establishing public education centers/libraries to impart literacy to poor children and youths in the area and providing free medical treatment to ensure good health along with sports for poor children and creating meeting-seminars and public awareness to prevent child marriage/dowry.

(18) To provide recreation, public awareness and treatment and to encourage employment of drug addicts, gamblers, crooks and criminals in the area with a view to bringing them back to healthy life. 

(19) To assist the administration in creating drug free zones. 

(20) Arranging recreational and cultural programs to deter people from anti-social activities.

(21) Initiating the public in any service work and assisting the public in service work. Even keeping food products free from poisons and giving advice to farmers about producing crops without chemicals. 

(22) Advancing to the side of the victims of famine, floods, cyclones, earthquakes, epidemics, lack of rain, heavy rains, all kinds of natural calamities in the country with relief materials. 

(23) Organizing football, cricket, badminton tournaments and cultural events.

Rebellion: Our organization is a student organization, we are all students in the organization, because there is no donor in our organization, we are not able to do the financial and support work. 

[If anyone wants to voluntarily donate or financially support our organization, then contact the president of the organization]